Hyundai Accent

Repair and car operation

Hyundai Accent
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
+ 2. The engine
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
- 5. The control, toxicity decrease
   5.1. Specifications
   5.2. Ventilation system картера (PCV)
   5.3. The ventilation valve картера
   5.4. System of catching of steams of fuel
   5.5. The canister with the activated coal
   5.6. The electromagnetic valve of clearing of the canister with the activated coal
   5.7. A cover топливноналивной mouths
   5.8. Search and elimination of malfunctions
+ 6. Fuel system
+ 7. Ignition system
+ 8. Coupling
+ 9. A transmission
+ 10. Axes and power shafts
+ 11. A suspension bracket
+ 12. A steering
+ 13. Brake system
+ 14. A body
+ 15. A central air
+ 16. The electric equipment
+ 17. The appendix
+ 18. Electroschemes

5.5. The canister with the activated coal


1. Check up reliability of all connections and absence of damages of tubes for fuel steams.
2. Check up tightness of tubes.
3. After canister removal visually check up the canister on absence of damages, if necessary, replace it.