The prevention
Before towage check up liquid level in an automatic transmission. If it is below a mark of "NOTES" ("Hot") on щупе, add a liquid. If you cannot add a liquid, it is necessary to use the cart for towage. In case of emergency towage, when there is no possibility to take advantage of services эвакуатора, крепите a towing cable to one of towing hooks in the bottom forward part of the car. Do not try to tow the car in such a way on the road which does not have coverings. It can lead to serious damage of the car. Towage by this way should not be applied in case of damage of wheels, a running part, axes, details of a steering or brake system. Before towage be convinced, that the transmission is in neutral position, and the ignition key in position "АСС" ("the Additional equipment") (when the engine does not work) or in position "ОN" ("Incl.") (when the engine works). At towage the driver should be in the car to operate it.
| Arrangement of one of towing hooks for emergency towage of the car |