To lift or lower door glass, rotate the handle стеклоподъемника on or counter-clockwise.
| Directions of rotation of the handle стеклоподъемника for a raising or glass lowering |
ELECTRIC СТЕКЛОПОДЪЕМНИКИ Electric стеклоподъемники work only when the key in the ignition lock is in position ON. The main switches стеклоподъемников are located in an armrest of a door of the driver. They operate стеклоподъемниками forward and back doors from both parties of the car. Glasses can be opened and closed pressing the corresponding switch стеклоподъемника. To open glass of a door of the driver press downwards the switch 1.
| Arrangement and directions отжатия and pressing of the button of the switch of management стеклоподъемником doors of the driver (1) and buttons of blocking (2) стеклоподъемников |
Glass falls, while the switch is pressed. For blocking стеклоподъемников in an armrest of a door of the driver the blocking switch стеклоподъемников is provided. To disconnect стеклоподъемники press the blocking switch. To return to normal work стеклоподъемников press the blocking switch once again.
| Arrangement of the button of blocking стеклоподъемников | The prevention Before to take advantage электростеклоподъемником be convinced, that rising glass will not clamp a head, hands, fingers and so forth It is forbidden to press simultaneously the main and auxiliary switch стеклоподъемника in opposite directions. Otherwise glass will stop and cannot be closed or open.
Do not leave in the car without supervision of the child. Do not leave the car, not having taken out a key from the ignition lock.